Introduction to Data Analysis in Excel

I have completed this Dataquest course covering topics such as Defining Data, How to Use Data, and The Data Analysis Process.


Preparing Data in Excel and Project

I have completed this Dataquest course covering topics such as Organizing Data, Cleaning Data, and Consolidating Data.


I have also completed a Data Analysis Project in which I prepared data in Excel on the dataset: shark attacks that have been reported. I have included in the project the raw data, the cleaned data, the steps I took to clean and prepare the data, and the analysis.


Python for Data Science: Fundamentals Part I Course

This is my Dataquest course code covering topics such as Variables and Data Types, Lists and For Loops, and Conditional Statements.

Source Certificate

Python for Data Science: Fundamentals Part II Course

This is my Dataquest course code that includes the topics Dictionaries and Frequency Tables.

Source Certificate

Python for Data Science: Intermediate Course

This is my Dataquest course code covering topics such as Cleaning and Preparing Data, Object-Oriented Programming, Data Analysis Basics, and Working with Dates and Times in Python.

Source Certificate

Python Basics for Data Analysis Path

I completed the courses in the Dataquest learning path for Python Basics for Data Analysis.


Tableau Public

Utilizing a data set on a bike-sharing program in Boston, Massachusetts, I created different visualizations based on weekend/weekday usage, the peak time of usage, and more.

Tableau Profile Page

Data Visualization and Storytelling Bootcamp

As part of Skillsoft, this was a 12-hour workshop on data visualization and storytelling. I learned about the fundamentals of data visualization, which can be used to support data-driven decision-making. I learned about design principles used in creating effective visualizations and how to create a narrative that supports the data, provides context, and reveals actionable insights.

Dataquest Profile Page